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Tuesday, October 9, 2018

JCA22H Depth Mod

I implemented the Depth mod, sourced from many Jet City online modification threads, on my Jet City JCA22H head.

0.0047µF Capacitor parallel with Lugs 1&2 of a 1Meg audio pot. This parallel combination is spliced in between the 'FB' terminals of the PCBs.

I had to turn up the Bass (~3:00) while turning down Treble and Presence (~10:00) at low volumes prior to the mod. The EQ has a more usable range with moderate Depth settings.


Mod Installed

Depth Pot on Rear Panel

Video of the Effect of Depth Settings at Low and High Volumes


  1. Would it be a problem to use a high voltage capacitor? I've read online that the recommended value is 400V but I can't find one like that in nearby stores, only 1500V.

    1. Hi. Didn't see your comment until now. Higher voltages aren't a problem. The higher voltage is the maximum rated voltage that the component can take. The only concern is the physical size of the capacitor. You should double check its dimensions so you know what you are getting.

    2. Thanks for the reply, I ordered it and soldered to two lugs of the potentiometer, however I've seen online pictures of people who solder the capacitor across the outer legs of the pot and then bridge two legs of the pot, do you know what the difference is?

    3. I was following the mod based on another site. Functionally, there's no difference. I learned after the mod, that it's good practice to bridge the lugs in the manner you described in case the pot ever fails.
