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Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Continuation of Plexi-Inspired Build

The rear of the chassis was drilled out for the power (Neutrik Powercon) main and HT fuses, bias test points, and various tone mods.

The main perfed turret board is from ValveStorm. Black turret strips are from Antique Electronics Supply (Tubes and More).

I am drafting the layout in AutoCAD to tentatively coordinate the various theoretical locations of drilling points. All holes smaller than 3/4” will be hand drilled. Holes for tube sockets and capacitor cans will be made with the corresponding Greenlee hole punches.

Finalized wiring layout to come prior to further drilling of the chassis. I am trying to find time to coordinate turret board mounting with the mods (black turret strips), Larry grounding, and transformer wiring based on the specific Classictone transformers I plan on purchasing.

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