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Thursday, August 29, 2019

Plexi Amp Build chassis mounting progress

I found some time to start mounting components onto the Hammond chassis. Most of the front panel is populated, as well as a bit of the backpanel.

One of the on-off-on DPDT switches was a dud, but I had luckily ordered a spare.

Progressing panel component and transformer mounting.

A shot of the front panel from the underside.

Shortening some of the transformer leads.

Testing the fit of the main turret board.

Update 9/4/19: more wire dressing and a few solder joints.

Update 9/10/19: I had half an hour to work: layout heater wiring from V5 to V3.  It’s more time consuming than I had imagined. 

Update 9/13/19: Heaters installed. I tried to match the installation depicted in the MetroAmp builder guide.

Update 9/26/19: Input jack wiring, more grounds, filter cap wiring, bright cap switches.

Update 10/16/19: soldered many of the wires on the main turret board side. 

Update 10/18/19: Connected turret board to front panel controls and input jacks, laid out mod components on the turret strips.

AutoCAD layout used for component placement.

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