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Monday, July 13, 2020

Alvarez ABT610E Baritone Acoustic Electric

Alvarez ABT610E Acoustic-Electric Guitar.

I bought an Alvarez ABT610E off of Musician’s Friend in 2017 as a cheaper alternative to the Alvarez ABT60 baritone acoustic guitar. It is a Musician's Friend special from Alvarez that occasionally gets sold as the Stupid Deal of the Day.

I have left the guitar in the factory B-standard tuning. The guitar handles single notes and arpeggios better than chords in the lower register. I had to adjust the truss rod a bit, as I was fretting out on the higher strings. The onboard pickup isn't particularly inspiring to play, but I don't mind having it.

I used a Little Blondie microphone to record the guitar. I intend to try some LDC mics to record the guitar to see if the low end can be captured better. My tests with omni microphones do not capture the low end on chords as well as I would like.

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