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Sunday, February 25, 2024

CAPI LC25 EQ Build

Completed CAPI LC25 Build.

I wanted to pair an analog EQ with the Hairball FET/500 build and thought an API-based EQ would be appropriate. I had read on forums that the CAPI LC25 performed well on drums due to its fixed frequency points. It is inspired by the API 560 Graphic EQ, but with different EQ points.


Coming off the Hairball build, the main PCB of the CAPI was in the same league of difficulty. I followed the directions on the CAPI website to make sure I didn’t botch the kit by building out of sequence. Component soldering went quickly, while the mechanical assembly felt a bit tedious. It didn’t take too many tools to assemble: a soldering iron, clippers, a multimeter to determine resistor values, a 0.05” Allen key, a 10mm socket wrench, and a Phillips screwdriver.

Current lunchbox modules.

The EQ is easy to use in practice. The 2dB steps are clear and fixed frequencies make it easy to navigate.

To be continued.

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