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Sunday, July 14, 2019

Buzzaround and Naga Viper Pedal Builds

Left - Buzzaround; Right - Naga Viper

I finished vero board builds of a Buzzaround and a Naga Viper based on the layouts from the Tagboard Effects blog (Buzzaround Link and Naga Viper Link). Passive components are mostly sourced from Tayda Electronics. Enclosures are from Mammoth Electronics.

Buzzaround Clone Guts.

The Buzzaround is wired as a -9V effect. I added a 100KA pot for a volume control.

Smallbear PNP Transistors.

I bought a PNP transistor set from Smallbear Electronics. Q1 and Q2 are Motorola-branded transistors of an unknown make, with markings of “9270 336” on the transistors. Q3 is a Texas Instruments 2N404A with a HFE of 140, mislabeled on the bag, but consistent with typical Buzzaround values. I also ordered the 1N270 germanium diode from Smallbear.

Video of Buzzaround Build

Naga Viper clone guts.

I had trouble fitting the vero board into the enclosure due to the height of the electrolytic capacitors I used, so I installed the board at the bottom of the enclosure. Despite the long connections to the pots, the pedal is fairly quiet for much of its gain range. A 2N2222A transistor was used.

Video of Naga Viper Clone through Fender Pro Junior and 5F1 Clone

My next pedal projects are Son of Screamer and Honey Bee pedals using the respective Tagboard Effects vero layouts.

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