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Sunday, June 30, 2019

Another Distraction - GGG Green Ringer Kit

Enclosure and Bag of Components

Front of Enclosure

Completed Wiring

I bought a Green Ringer pedal kit during the General Guitar Gadgets recent sale. I had attempted 2 unsuccessful builds of a Green Ringer on vero board in the past.

The kit came with 2 2N5089 transistors (Q1, Q3) and a MPSA92 PNP transistor (Q2), with 1N4148 diodes.

I had originally tested the pedal by reamping a recorded guitar signal, and came across a persistent hum. I rechecked continuity through all of the solder joints.

However, the effect worked properly with an electric guitar, which I used for testing later. The effect is sensitive to impedance. With a pickup simulator in front of the pedal, the hum was not present.

The pickup simulator is an older build, based on the project on the AMZ website (Link). I used the same 42TL019 10KCT:600CT transformer, with switchable capacitor values based on the AMZ (330pF) and DIYRe (820pF) versions. The transformer secondary is switchable between using the full windings and the center tap to simulate Humbucker and Single Coil pickups respectively.

Pickup Simulator

Pickup Simulator Wiring

Clips of the Green Ringer to come.

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