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Tuesday, November 5, 2019

50W Plexi-Style Circuit Build Completed

I started looking into building a bass-spec Plexi circuit started when I first came across the Metro Amp 50W build guide. I read about amps that switched between different Marshall eras, like the Heritage Colonial, Aiken Intruder, Germino Club 40, and Fargen Mini-Plex.

The form factor was definitely inspired by a one-off JTM50 build on the Lil Dawg Amps blog. It showed me that the space spacing layout of a Marshall circuit in a 17” wide head was possible. My lunchbox 5F1/5F2A head was also influenced by his offerings.

The kitchen sink approach to the switching options was mainly based on a Johan Segeborn video demonstrating a Marshall 1987X that  covered several Marshall circuits. I can get close to Bass Spec, Organ Spec, and Lead Spec ('67, '68, '69, '70).

I ordered the following tubes for the amp from Doug's Tubes:

  • V1 - Ruby 12AX7AC5 HG+
  • V2 - Shuguang 12AX7
  • V3 - Sovtek 12AX7LPS
  • V4, V5 - Electro Harmonix EL34

I will explore more fancy tubes in the future, but purchased these to make sure the amp would fire up.

Front panel of the amp.

Front Panel Option Summary:
  • Switchable 470pF mixer capacitors on each channel
    • Either Channel 1 or 2 can be set as the bright channel
  • Channel 1 Bright Cap Select: 500pF, none, 100pF
  • Channel 2 Bright Cap Select: 4700pF, none, 250pF
    • With the Channel 2 mixer cap engaged, I have a shared cathode bright channel with more bright cap options
  • PI Coupling Cap Value Select: 0.022uF, 0.09uF
    • Switchable between Lead and almost Bass spec

Rear panel of the amp.

Rear Panel Option Summary:
  • V1 split/shared cathode switch
  • V1A Cathode Bypass Cap Value Select: 221uF, 1uF, 5.7uF
  • V2A Cathode Bypass Select: 330uF, none, 0.68uF
  • Lead/Bass Tonestack Switch
  • Variable Negative Feedback: 47k to 147k on 8 ohm tap
  • Bias Test Points
Modifications shown on Metro Amp's 50W Plexi Schematic.

Bass Spec: changing through different bright caps.

Lead Spec: Trying out the different switch options.

Lead Spec: All controls at maximum.

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